How to import Lua x.y.z ======================= 1. Untar a new version to a directory called or even somethere outside of the tree. 2. Run lua2netbsd script inside that directory. 3. Run 'cvs import src/external/mit/lua/dist LUA LUA_<<x_y_z>>'. It's very important to run it from inside the right direcory! 4. Move the dist directory away (is it optional?). 5. Run 'cvs up -dP' to bring the new import to the tree. 6. Run 'cvs up -j LUA_<<previous_version>> -j LUA_<<x_y_z>>'. It will generate many conflicts. 7. Resolve conflicts. Most (if not all) conflicts are around RCS identifiers. 8. Commit your changes. Vendor branches are usually named LUA_<<x_y_z>> but if there was a problem with cvs import, they can be named differently. The last imported vendor branch is called LUA_5_3_5_try2. |