# Makefile for less. # Windows version # Bolarnd C++ 5.5.1 free command line tools #### Start of system configuration section. #### # # Borland's make knows its own location in the # filesystem. # CC = bcc32 LIBDIR = $(MAKEDIR)\..\lib CFLAGS = -O2 -w-pro -TWC -P-c -v- -d -f- -ff- -vi LDFLAGS = -Tpe -v- -ap -c -x -V4.0 -GF:AGGRESSIVE LD = ilink32 LIBS = ${LIBDIR}\import32.lib ${LIBDIR}\cw32.lib #### End of system configuration section. #### # # This rule allows us to supply the necessary -D options # in addition to whatever the user asks for. # .c.obj: ${CC} -c -I. ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} $< OBJ = \ main.obj screen.obj brac.obj ch.obj charset.obj cmdbuf.obj \ command.obj cvt.obj decode.obj edit.obj filename.obj forwback.obj \ help.obj ifile.obj input.obj jump.obj line.obj linenum.obj \ lsystem.obj mark.obj optfunc.obj option.obj opttbl.obj os.obj \ output.obj pattern.obj position.obj prompt.obj search.obj signal.obj \ tags.obj ttyin.obj version.obj regexp.obj all: less lesskey lessecho # # This is really horrible, but the command line is too long for # MS-DOS if we try to link ${OBJ}. # less: ${OBJ} ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBDIR}\c0x32.obj $**, $@,,${LIBS} lesskey: lesskey.obj version.obj ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBDIR}\c0x32.obj $**, $@,,${LIBS} lessecho: lessecho.obj version.obj ${LD} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBDIR}\c0x32.obj $**, $@,,${LIBS} defines.h: defines.wn -del defines.h -copy defines.wn defines.h ${OBJ}: less.h defines.h funcs.h cmd.h clean: -del *.obj -del *.il? -del *.tds -del defines.h spotless: clean -del less.exe -del lesskey.exe -del lessecho.exe realclean: spotless distclean: spotless |