// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s -DCPP11 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++17 -fsyntax-only -verify %s -DCPP17 // There is no semantic difference between class and typename in a // template-parameter. typename followed by an unqualified-id names a // template type parameter. template<class T> struct X; template<typename T> struct X; // typename followed by aqualified-id denotes the type in a non-type // parameter-declaration. template<typename T, typename T::type Value> struct Y0; template<typename T, typename X<T>::type Value> struct Y1; // A storage class shall not be specified in a template-parameter declaration. template<static int Value> struct Z; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<typedef int Value> struct Z0; //expected-error{{expected template parameter}} expected-error{{expected identifier}} expected-error{{extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of struct 'Z0'}} expected-note{{did you mean to use 'typename'?}} template<extern inline int Value> struct Z1; //expected-error2{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<virtual int Value> struct Z2; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<explicit int Value> struct Z3; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<inline int Value> struct Z4; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<extern int> struct Z5; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<static int> struct Z6; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<explicit int Value> struct Z7; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<mutable int> struct Z8; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<const int> struct Z9; // OK template<volatile int> struct Z10; // OK #ifdef CPP11 template<thread_local int> struct Z11; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} template<constexpr int> struct Z12; //expected-error{{invalid declaration specifier}} #endif #ifdef CPP17 template<auto> struct Z13; // OK #endif // Make sure that we properly disambiguate non-type template parameters that // start with 'class'. class X1 { }; template<class X1 *xptr> struct Y2 { }; // FIXME: add the example from p2 |