namespace ns { int bar; } int main() { return ns:: } int main2() { return ns::foo(). } // RUN: echo "namespace ns { struct foo { int baz }; }" > %t.h // RUN: c-index-test -write-pch %t.h.pch -x c++-header %t.h // // RUN: c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:5:26 -include %t.h %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=WITH-PCH %s // WITH-PCH: {TypedText bar} // WITH-PCH: {TypedText foo} // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_SKIP_PREAMBLE=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:5:26 -include %t.h %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SKIP-PCH %s // SKIP-PCH-NOT: foo // SKIP-PCH: {TypedText bar} // SKIP-PCH-NOT: foo // Verify that with *no* preamble (no -include flag) we still get local results. // SkipPreamble used to break this, by making lookup *too* lazy. // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_SKIP_PREAMBLE=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:5:26 %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=NO-PCH %s // NO-PCH-NOT: foo // NO-PCH: {TypedText bar} // NO-PCH-NOT: foo // Verify that we still get member results from the preamble. // RUN: env CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_SKIP_PREAMBLE=1 c-index-test -code-completion-at=%s:6:32 -include %t.h %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=MEMBER %s // MEMBER: {TypedText baz} |