// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fsyntax-only -verify %s // expected-no-diagnostics // Metafunction to extract the Nth type from a set of types. template<unsigned N, typename ...Types> struct get_nth_type; template<unsigned N, typename Head, typename ...Tail> struct get_nth_type<N, Head, Tail...> : get_nth_type<N-1, Tail...> { }; template<typename Head, typename ...Tail> struct get_nth_type<0, Head, Tail...> { typedef Head type; }; // Placeholder type when get_nth_type fails. struct no_type {}; template<unsigned N> struct get_nth_type<N> { typedef no_type type; }; template<typename ...Args> typename get_nth_type<0, Args...>::type first_arg(Args...); template<typename ...Args> typename get_nth_type<1, Args...>::type second_arg(Args...); // Test explicit specification of function template arguments. void test_explicit_spec_simple() { int *ip1 = first_arg<int *>(0); int *ip2 = first_arg<int *, float*>(0, 0); float *fp1 = first_arg<float *, double*, int*>(0, 0, 0); } // Template argument deduction can extend the sequence of template // arguments corresponding to a template parameter pack, even when the // sequence contains explicitly specified template arguments. void test_explicit_spec_extension(double *dp) { int *ip1 = first_arg<int *>(0, 0); int *ip2 = first_arg<int *, float*>(0, 0, 0, 0); float *fp1 = first_arg<float *, double*, int*>(0, 0, 0); int *i1 = second_arg<float *>(0, (int*)0, 0); double *dp1 = first_arg<>(dp); } template<typename ...Types> struct tuple { }; template<typename ...Types> void accept_tuple(tuple<Types...>); void test_explicit_spec_extension_targs(tuple<int, float, double> t3) { accept_tuple(t3); accept_tuple<int, float, double>(t3); accept_tuple<int>(t3); accept_tuple<int, float>(t3); } template<typename R, typename ...ParmTypes> void accept_function_ptr(R(*)(ParmTypes...)); void test_explicit_spec_extension_funcparms(int (*f3)(int, float, double)) { accept_function_ptr(f3); accept_function_ptr<int>(f3); accept_function_ptr<int, int>(f3); accept_function_ptr<int, int, float>(f3); accept_function_ptr<int, int, float, double>(f3); } |