# $NetBSD: files.hppa,v 1.21 2019/05/08 13:40:15 isaki Exp $
# $OpenBSD: files.hppa,v 1.31 2001/06/26 02:41:25 mickey Exp $
# hppa-specific configuration info
# maxpartitions must be the first item in files.${ARCH}
maxpartitions 16
maxusers 2 8 64
# Processor type options.
defflag opt_cputype.h HP7000_CPU HP7100_CPU HP7150_CPU HP7100LC_CPU
HP7200_CPU HP7250_CPU HP7300LC_CPU
HP8000_CPU HP8200_CPU HP8500_CPU HP8600_CPU
# Status LEDs
defflag USELEDS
# Compatibility
include "compat/ossaudio/files.ossaudio"
include "compat/linux/files.linux"
file arch/hppa/hppa/linux_machdep.c compat_linux
include "dev/pckbport/files.pckbport"
# Machine-independent SCSI drivers
include "dev/scsipi/files.scsipi"
# Machine-independent ATA drivers
include "dev/ata/files.ata"
# Machine-independent I2O drivers
include "dev/i2o/files.i2o"
# Machine-independent USB drivers
include "dev/usb/files.usb"
# Machine-independent IEEE1394 drivers
include "dev/ieee1394/files.ieee1394"
# PCI Bus support
include "dev/pci/files.pci"
# ISA Bus support
include "dev/isa/files.isa"
# EISA Bus support
include "dev/eisa/files.eisa"
# HIL Human Interface Loop devices
include "dev/hil/files.hil"
# Gonzo System Connect Bus
# (GSC, GSC-1X, GSC+, GSC-1.5X, GSC-2X)
define gscbus { }
# Mainbus
define gedoens {[irq = -1]}: sysmon_power, sysmon_taskq
device mainbus: gedoens
attach mainbus at root
file arch/hppa/hppa/mainbus.c mainbus
device pdc
attach pdc at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/pdc.c pdc
device power
attach power at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/power.c power needs-flag
device lcd
attach lcd at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/lcd.c lcd needs-flag
device mem
attach mem at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/mem.c mem
device cpu
attach cpu at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/cpu.c cpu
device fpu
attach fpu at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/fpu.c fpu
# Phantom PseudoBC GSC+ Port
device phantomas: gedoens
attach phantomas at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/phantomas.c phantomas
# GeckoBOA BC GSC+ port
device gecko: gedoens
attach gecko at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/gecko.c gecko
# U2/Uturn, Runway to GSC Bus bridge & IOA
device uturn: gedoens
attach uturn at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/uturn.c uturn
# Astro memory & I/O controller
device astro: gedoens
attach astro at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/astro.c astro
# 1FT1-0002, 1FU2-0002
# as goes w/ 7100LC, 7300LC, 7200, 8000, 8200, 8500
device lasi: gscbus
attach lasi at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/lasi.c lasi
# all the older systems
device asp: gscbus
attach asp at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/asp.c asp
# 1FT4-0001, ASIC used on gecko cards
device wax: gscbus
attach wax at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/wax.c wax
device mongoose: isabus, eisabus
attach mongoose at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/mongoose.c mongoose
# Dino, GSC-PCI bridge. Includes ps/2, serial, and flying toaster interfaces
# Cujo is a 64-bit data path Dino
device dino { } : pcibus, gedoens
attach dino at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/dino.c dino
attach com at dino with com_dino
file arch/hppa/dev/com_dino.c com_dino
# Elroy, Ropes to PCI Bridge. Supports 4X PCI and dual address cycle.
# Mercury; QuickSilver is an AGP also
device elroy: pcibus
attach elroy at gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/elroy.c elroy
file arch/hppa/dev/apic.c elroy
attach sti at gedoens with sti_gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/sti_sgc.c sti_gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/sti_pci_machdep.c sti_pci
attach siop at gedoens with siop_gedoens
file arch/hppa/dev/siop_sgc.c siop_gedoens
device ssio {[irq = -1]}
attach ssio at pci
file arch/hppa/dev/ssio.c ssio
attach com at ssio with com_ssio
file arch/hppa/dev/com_ssio.c com_ssio
attach lpt at ssio with lpt_ssio
file arch/hppa/dev/lpt_ssio.c lpt_ssio
# GSC bus devices
device gsc {[irq = -1]}
attach gsc at gscbus
file arch/hppa/gsc/gscbus.c gsc
# com and lpt are both on WD 16C552
attach com at gsc with com_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/com_gsc.c com
attach lpt at gsc with lpt_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/lpt_gsc.c lpt
# Floppy disk controller
#device fdc {drive = -1}: isadma
#file dev/isa/fd.c fdc needs-flag
#attach fdc at isa with fdc_isa
#file dev/isa/fdc_isa.c fdc_isa
#attach fdc at gsc with fdc_gsc
#file arch/hppa/gsc/fdc_gsc.c fdc_gsc
#device fd: disk
#attach fd at fdc
device ie: ifnet, ether, arp, i82586
attach ie at gsc with ie_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/if_ie_gsc.c ie_gsc
device iee: ifnet, ether, arp, i82596
attach iee at gsc with iee_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/if_iee_gsc.c iee_gsc
attach siop at gsc with siop_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/siop_gsc.c siop_gsc
attach osiop at gsc with osiop_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/osiop_gsc.c osiop_gsc
attach oosiop at gsc with oosiop_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/oosiop_gsc.c oosiop_gsc
attach hil at gsc with hil_gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/hil_gsc.c hil_gsc
device gsckbc: pckbport
attach gsckbc at gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/gsckbc.c gsckbc
# PSB 2160-N based 8bit mono audio (705, 710, 745i/*, 747i/*)
device aone: audiobus
attach aone at gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/aone.c aone
# CS4215/AD1849 based 16bit mono/stereo audio iface (most of others not w/ aone)
# a.k.a. Audio Type 2 (optional beeper)
device harmony {} : audiobus
attach harmony at gsc
file arch/hppa/gsc/harmony.c harmony
# fax/modem/voice on harmony
attach com at harmony with com_harmony
file arch/hppa/gsc/com_harmony.c com_harmony
# HPA4011A/B w/ TMS380C26PQL, TMS38054FNL
#device tms: tokenring
#attach tms at gsc
#file arch/hppa/gsc/if_tms.c tms
# these we don't know yet
# AMD Supernet2 FDDI ?
#device medusa: fddi
#attach medusa at gsc
#file arch/hppa/gsc/medusa.c medusa
# XXX should not be here
# ANSI/VITA 26-1998 Gbit packet switching network iface
#device myri: ether
#attach myri at pci
#file dev/pci/myri.c myri
# Memory Disk
file dev/md_root.c memory_disk_hooks
# Non-device files
file arch/hppa/hppa/autoconf.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/conf.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/core_machdep.c coredump
file arch/hppa/hppa/db_interface.c ddb
file arch/hppa/hppa/db_disasm.c ddb
file arch/hppa/hppa/db_memrw.c ddb | kgdb
file arch/hppa/hppa/db_trace.c ddb
file arch/hppa/hppa/db_machdep.c ddb
file arch/hppa/hppa/disksubr.c disk
file arch/hppa/hppa/fpu.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/ipifuncs.c multiprocessor
file arch/hppa/hppa/kgdb_hppa.c kgdb
file arch/hppa/hppa/kobj_machdep.c modular
file arch/hppa/hppa/hppa_machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/idle_machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/intr.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/lock_stubs.S
file arch/hppa/hppa/machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/pmap.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/process_machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/sig_machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/sys_machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/trap.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/vm_machdep.c
file arch/hppa/hppa/procfs_machdep.c procfs
file arch/hppa/dev/clock.c
file dev/cons.c
file dev/cninit.c
include "arch/hppa/conf/majors.hppa"