#!/bin/sh # wait for amd to die on local host before returning from program. # Usage: wait4amd2die [delay [count]] # If not specified, delay=5 seconds and count=6 (total 30 seconds) # If at end of total delay amd is till up, return 1; else return 0. # # Package: am-utils-6.x # Author: Erez Zadok <ezk@cs.columbia.edu> #set -x # set path prefix=@prefix@ exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@ PATH=@sbindir@:@bindir@:/usr/bin:/bin:${PATH} export PATH # how long to wait? if test -n "$1" then delay=$1 else delay=3 fi # how many times to delay if test -n "$2" then count=$2 else count=10 fi i=1 maxcount=`expr $count + 1` while [ $i != $maxcount ]; do # run amq @sbindir@/amq > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ] then # amq failed to run (because amd is dead) echo "wait4amd2die: amd is down!" exit 0 fi echo "wait4amd2die: delay $delay sec ($i of $count)..." sleep $delay i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "wait4amd2die: amd is still up..." exit 1 |