/* $NetBSD: clock.c,v 1.11 2014/11/20 16:34:25 christos Exp $ */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <dev/clock_subr.h> #include <machine/prom.h> #include <lib/libsa/stand.h> #include <lib/libsa/net.h> #include "libsa.h" /* * BCD to decimal and decimal to BCD. */ #define YEAR0 68 /* * This code is defunct after 2068. * Will Unix still be here then?? */ const short dayyr[12] = {0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334}; u_long chiptotime(int sec, int min, int hour, int day, int mon, int year) { int days, yr; sec = bcdtobin(sec); min = bcdtobin(min); hour = bcdtobin(hour); day = bcdtobin(day); mon = bcdtobin(mon); year = bcdtobin(year) + YEAR0; if (year < 70) year = 70; /* simple sanity checks */ if (year < 70 || mon < 1 || mon > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31) return (0); days = 0; for (yr = 70; yr < year; yr++) days += days_per_year(yr); days += dayyr[mon - 1] + day - 1; if (is_leap_year(yr) && mon > 2) days++; /* now have days since Jan 1, 1970; the rest is easy... */ return days * SECS_PER_DAY + hour * SECS_PER_HOUR + min * SECS_PER_MINUTE + sec; } satime_t getsecs(void) { struct mvmeprom_time m; mvmeprom_rtc_rd(&m); return chiptotime(m.sec_BCD, m.min_BCD, m.hour_BCD, m.day_BCD, m.month_BCD, m.year_BCD); } |