// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++11 %s -verify // Check that analysis-based warnings work in lambda bodies. void analysis_based_warnings() { (void)[]() -> int { }; // expected-warning{{control reaches end of non-void lambda}} } // Check that we get the right types of captured variables (the // semantic-analysis part of p7). int &check_const_int(int&); float &check_const_int(const int&); void test_capture_constness(int i, const int ic) { (void)[i,ic] ()->void { float &fr1 = check_const_int(i); float &fr2 = check_const_int(ic); }; (void)[=] ()->void { float &fr1 = check_const_int(i); float &fr2 = check_const_int(ic); }; (void)[i,ic] () mutable ->void { int &ir = check_const_int(i); float &fr = check_const_int(ic); }; (void)[=] () mutable ->void { int &ir = check_const_int(i); float &fr = check_const_int(ic); }; (void)[&i,&ic] ()->void { int &ir = check_const_int(i); float &fr = check_const_int(ic); }; (void)[&] ()->void { int &ir = check_const_int(i); float &fr = check_const_int(ic); }; } struct S1 { int x, y; S1 &operator=(int*); int operator()(int); void f() { [&]()->int { S1 &s1 = operator=(&this->x); return operator()(this->x + y); }(); } }; |