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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# statslog - Rearrange and output selected parts of slapd's statslog output.
# $OpenLDAP$
# This work is part of OpenLDAP Software <>.
# Copyright 1998-2019 The OpenLDAP Foundation.
# Portions Copyright 2004 Hallvard B. Furuseth.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted only as authorized by the OpenLDAP
# Public License.
# A copy of this license is available in the file LICENSE in the
# top-level directory of the distribution or, alternatively, at
# <>.

sub usage {
    die join("", @_, <<'EOM');
Usage: statslog [options] [logfiles; may be .gz or .bz2 files]

  Output selected parts of slapd's statslog output (LDAP request/response
  log to syslog or stderr; loglevel 256), grouping log lines by LDAP
  connection.  Lines with no connection are excluded by default.

  --brief       -b      Brief output (omit time, host/process name/ID).
  --exclude=RE  -e RE   Exclude connections whose output matches REgexp.
  --include=RE  -i RE   Only include connections matching REgexp.
  --EXCLUDE=RE  -E RE   Case-sensitive '--exclude'.
  --INCLUDE=RE  -I RE   Case-sensitive '--include'.
  --loose       -l      Include "loose" lines (lines with no connection).
  --no-loose    -L RE   Only exclude the "loose" lines that match RE.
  --join        -j      Join the inputs as if they were one big log file.
                        Each file must start where the previous left off.
  --no-join     -J      Do not --join.  (Can be useful with --sort.)
  --sort        -s      Sort input files by age.     Implies --join.
  --trace       -t      Print file names when read.  Implies --no-join.
All --exclude/include options are applied.  Note: --exclude/include are
unreliable without --join/sort for connections spanning several log files.


use bytes;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

# Globals
my %conns;			# Hash (connection number -> output)
my @loose;			# Collected output with no connection number

# Command line options
my($brief, @filters, @conditions, $no_loose);
my($join_files, $sort_files, $trace, $getopt_ok);

# Handle --include/INCLUDE/exclude/EXCLUDE options
sub filter_opt {
    my($opt, $regexp) = @_;
    push(@conditions, sprintf('$lines %s /$filters[%d]/om%s',
			      (lc($opt) eq 'include' ? "=~" : "!~"),
			      ($opt eq lc($opt) ? "i" : "")));
    push(@filters, $regexp);

# Parse options at compile time so some can become constants to optimize away
    &Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(bundling no_ignore_case));
    $getopt_ok = GetOptions("brief|b"		=> \$brief,
			    "include|i=s"	=> \&filter_opt,
			    "exclude|e=s"	=> \&filter_opt,
			    "INCLUDE|I=s"	=> \&filter_opt,
			    "EXCLUDE|E=s"	=> \&filter_opt,
			    "join|j"		=> \$join_files,
			    "no-join|J"		=> sub { $join_files = 0; },
			    "sort|s"		=> \$sort_files,
			    "loose|l"		=> sub { $no_loose = ".^"; },
			    "no-loose|L=s"	=> \$no_loose,
			    "trace|t"		=> \$trace);
usage() unless $getopt_ok;
usage("--trace is incompatible with --join.\n") if $trace && $join_files;

$join_files = 1 if !defined($join_files) && $sort_files && !$trace;
use constant BRIEF => !!$brief;
use constant LOOSE => defined($no_loose) && ($no_loose eq ".^" ? 2 : 1);

# Build sub out(header, connection number) to output one connection's data
my $out_body = (LOOSE
		? ' if (@loose) { print "\n", @loose; @loose = (); } '
		: '');
$out_body .= ' print "\n", $_[0], $lines; ';
$out_body = " if (" . join("\n && ", @conditions) . ") {\n$out_body\n}"
    if @conditions;
eval <<EOM;
sub out {
    my \$lines = delete(\$conns{\$_[1]});
die $@ if $@;

# Read and output log lines from one file
sub do_file {
    local(@ARGV) = @_;
    my($conn, $line, $act);
    while (<>) {
	if (BRIEF
	    ? (($conn, $line, $act) = /\bconn=(\d+) (\S+ (\S+).*\n)/)
	    : (($conn,        $act) = /\bconn=(\d+) \S+ (\S+)/      )) {
	    $conns{$conn} .= (BRIEF ? $line : $_);
	    out("", $conn) if $act eq 'closed';
	} elsif (LOOSE && (LOOSE > 1 || !/$no_loose/omi)) {
	    s/^\w{3} [ \d]+:\d\d:\d\d [^:]*: // if BRIEF;
	    push(@loose, $_);
    final() unless $join_files;

# Output log lines for unfinished connections
sub final {
    if (%conns) {
	for my $conn (sort keys %conns) {
	    out("UNFINISHED:\n", $conn);
	die if %conns;
    if (LOOSE && @loose) { print "\n", @loose; @loose = (); }

# Main program
if (!@ARGV) {
    # Read from stdin
} else {
    if ($sort_files && @ARGV > 1) {
	# Sort files by last modified time; oldest first
	my @fileinfo;
	for my $file (@ARGV) {
	    my $age = -M $file;
	    if (defined($age)) {
		push(@fileinfo, [$age, $file]);
	    } else {
		print STDERR "File not found: $file\n";
	exit(1) unless @fileinfo;
	@ARGV = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @fileinfo;

    # Prepare to pipe .gz, .bz2 and .bz files through gunzip or bunzip2
    my %type2prog = ("gz" => "gunzip", "bz2" => "bunzip2", "bz" => "bunzip2");
    for (@ARGV) {
	if (/\.(gz|bz2?)$/) {
	    my $type = $1;
	    die "Bad filename: $_\n" if /^[+-]|[^\w\/.,:%=+-]|^$/;
	    $_ = "$type2prog{$type} -c $_ |";

    # Process the files
    for my $file (@ARGV) {
	print "\n$file:\n" if $trace;