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Kernel and Embedded Linux

Bootlin training courses

Embedded Linux, kernel,
Yocto Project, Buildroot, real-time,
graphics, boot time, debugging...

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Elixir Cross Referencer

.\" Id: 0.MT,v 2.0 2000/09/14 03:40:25 jhaegg Exp 
.\" Cover sheet. Memorandum type 0-3 and "string".
.if !r Au .nr Au 1
.nr cov*mt0-ind 1.1c
.de cov@print-title
.MOVE 4.8c 1.5c
.S 8
.sp -1.1
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.if d cov*title-file-case \fBFile Case \\*[cov*title-file-case]\fP
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.while \\n+[cov*i]<=\\n[cov*au] \{\
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.	if \\n[Au] \{\
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.		cov@print-au1 \\n[cov*i] 8
.		cov@print-au1 \\n[cov*i] 9
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.	nr cov*i 0 1
.	ft \\*[@sdf_font]
.	in 1.5c
.	sp -1
.	while \\n+[cov*i]<\\n[cov*mt-tm-max] \\*[cov*mt-tm!\\n[cov*i]]
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.	ft
.\" index arg1
.de cov@print-au1
.if d cov*au!\\$1!\\$2 \\*[cov*au!\\$1!\\$2] 
.de cov@print-au2
.\" index arg1 arg2
.if d cov*au!\\$1!\\$2 \\*[cov*au!\\$1!\\$2] \c
.if \\$3=5 .if d cov*au!\\$1!\\$3 x\c
.if d cov*au!\\$1!\\$3 \\*[cov*au!\\$1!\\$3]\c
.de cov@print-date
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.sp -1
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.if d cov*firm \{\
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.	S 18
.	rj 1
.	S
.de cov@print-abstract
.SP 3
.if d cov*abstract \{\
.	misc@ev-keep cov*ev
.	if \\n[cov*abs-ind]>0 \{\
.		in +\\n[cov*abs-ind]u
.		ll -\\n[cov*abs-ind]u
.	\}
.	ce
.	SP 1.5
.	fi
.	cov*abstract
.	br
.	ev
.ds cov*mt0-txt!1 MEMORANDUM FOR FILE
.ds cov*mt0-txt!2 PROGRAMMER'S NOTES
.ds cov*mt0-txt!3 ENGINEER'S NOTES
.if d cov*default-firm .if !d cov*firm .ds cov*firm \\*[cov*default-firm]
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.		SP 1.5
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.		ce
.		SP 1.5
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.	pg@enable-trap
.	ds cov*mt-printed