Installation - copy the file acl.c under src directory of CVS source distribution. "cp acl.c /path/to/cvs-1.11.22/src/" - copy the patch file cvsacl-patch-1.2.5 under CVS source distribution directory. "cp cvsacl-patch-1.2.5 /path/to/cvs-1.11.22/" - cd to CVS source directory. "cd /path/to/cvs-1.11.22/" - apply the patch. "patch -p0 < cvsacl-patch-1.2.5 - if you are initializing the repository after applying patch, related config files will be created with init command. "cvs -d /path/to/repository init" - if you already have a repository, you have to add the aclconfig file to your $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/. aclconfig.default is the default configuration file, you can rename it to aclconfig, and use it . - modify aclconfig file, if you need to change some options. - as the last step, you have to define yourself as acl administrator. "cvs -d /path/to/repository racl yourname:p -r ALL -d ALL" this command gives p (acl admin) rights to user (yourname), on all repository and tags/branches. |